Web-Based Access with ProductVision.NET

ProductVision.NET enables web-based access to ProductVision and is compatible with all modern browsers. ProductVision.NET dynamically adjusts the displayed information based on the device, whether a computer, tablet, or smartphone.

Module Features


Configurable dashboards within ProductVision.NET display data from ProductVision or external databases. For example, this allows management to visually track key performance indicators (KPI) and monitor departmental or process productivity. In addition, dashboards also offer instant drill-down capability to view specific objects.


The Resource application is a specification management tool that displays user-configurable information based on the security rights assigned to the authenticated user. Features include:

  • Creation of new resources
  • Properties and specifications management
  • Maintenance of resource costs
  • Viewing of attachments and reports

ProductVision.NET can also act as a vendor portal, thus enabling suppliers to modify resources associated with them. ProductVision.NET helps automate the supplier onboarding process and provides a complete audit trail of vendor activities.


The Formula application is a comprehensive formula management tool with features that include:

  • Creation of new formulas
  • Addition, modification, or deletion of formula components
  • Normalization to yield capabilities
  • Management of properties and specifications
  • Maintenance of resource costs
  • Viewing of attachments and reports

Because ProductVision.NET is web-based, it enables internal and trading partners to collaborate during the formula development.


The Projects application provides tools to create, view, and edit projects. For example, remote users, including salespeople or management, can create projects or check the status of existing projects. This application therefore simplifies collaboration by unifying all communication and providing easy access to project timelines, status updates, and important alerts. This feature is particularly beneficial for project teams comprising members from different departments.

Workflow Approvals

The Workflow Approval feature allows users to quickly access and approve or reject their assigned tasks from multiple devices, for example smartphones or tablets. This web-based task approval system enhances productivity by enabling employees to work remotely, in transit, or in front of customers. Approving tasks from any location saves time and reduces bottlenecks, facilitating faster project progress.

SDS Revisions

Approved and published GHS SDS revisions in ProductVision can be queried, viewed, and easily downloaded.

Responsive Design

ProductVision.NET's responsive design dynamically sizes the displayed information based on the device used, ensuring optimal usability across all devices.

Comprehensive Security

User access is directly tied to ProductVision security, ensuring users can only access the data necessary to complete their tasks.

We invite you to contact us today to learn more about how ProductVision can exceed your organization’s expectations and enhance your product development capabilities.

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