
Processor3.0 Ghz or higher
Memory8 GB or higher (minimum 4GB)
Available Hard Drive250 MB
Monitor Settings1,280 x 1,024 or higher
Operating SystemWindows 10 (minimum version 1703)
Microsoft .NET FrameworkVersion 4.8

Data Access Layer (DAL) / Broadcaster

Processor3.0 Ghz or higher, dual core, minimum of 4 cores
Memory16 GB or higher (8GB minimum)
Available Hard Drive500 MB
Operating SystemWindows Server 2019 or higher
Microsoft .NET FrameworkVersion 4.8

The DAL and/or Broadcaster can run on the database server. However, in line with best practices, we do NOT recommend running any other applications on the database server. Note that the DAL provides access to the Database and as such should be located on the same LAN. It is not recommended that the DAL access the Database over a WAN.

Database Server

We support Microsoft® SQL Server™ (mainstream) or Oracle® (premier) versions that are still in standard support by their respective vendor.

Please visit the Microsoft SQL Server website or the Oracle website for information with regards database server specifications.

Web Service

Processor3.0 Ghz or higher
Memory8 GB or higher
Available Hard Drive250 MB
Operating SystemWindows Server 2019 or higher
Other RequirementsIIS 10
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8

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