Food & Beverages Industry | ProductVision®

ProductVision is the foremost product development software available to the food and beverage industry. ProductVision streamlines formula management with automatic calculation of all nutritional properties and cost information, offering the most versatile formula development tools in a scalable environment.

The increased consumer preference for healthy food alternatives has driven food companies to aggressively innovate and launch new products, in an effort to respond to the changing market demands and to maintain a competitive edge. ProductVision shortens and streamlines your product development process, resulting in faster time to market. It automates recipe creation with automatic calculation of all nutritional properties and provides query features, allowing you to easily find existing recipes that may meet new requirements. All recipe revisions are automatically maintained and product development tasks can be tracked, and controlled, using Project and Workflow features.

Increasing both the success rate of new product introductions and speed to market are major challenges for companies in the Food Industry, both of which are effectively addressed with ProductVision.

Automates Regulatory Compliance Documentation

Integrated tools for creation of regulatory documents and information such as Nutrition Labels, Ingredient Declarations, Product Data Sheets, Kosher, Allergen, and GMO statuses greatly reduce the time necessary to prepare this information. This information is available instantly when a recipe is created. You do not need to reenter the information in another system, which saves time and increases the accuracy of the resulting document.

Increases Formulator Productivity

ProductVision greatly reduces the effort required in creating new products and enhancing existing recipes. New raw materials and recipes may be copied entirely from existing items. The flexible recipe editor allows freeform entry of an unlimited number of lines, including unlimited levels of intermediates. Instructional text may be inserted anywhere in the recipe, to enhance readability.

Multi-level "where-used" and global component replacement features allow rapid and accurate substitution of obsolete ingredients. ProductVision automatically performs all property and cost calculations, quickly and accurately. Formulators can focus on what's important - creating and enhancing products for quicker release to the marketplace.

Streamlines New Product Development

With ProductVision's "What-If" Analysis, you can quickly prototype new products. You may set a target property or cost value for a formula, "float" one or more components, and have the system arrive at the correct composition to meet the target. Alternately, a formula's composition can be directly edited and ProductVision will recalculate and display the new formula properties.

An unlimited number of alternate formulas can be created and viewed on-screen. Selected property values can be graphed for convenient visual analysis. Experimental formulas developed using "What-If" can be saved to the permanent formula file for future use.

Improves Customer Response Time

ProductVision's powerful query tool allows you to quickly locate existing products that match or approximate specific customer requests, thus allowing you to provide better service. Internally, queries save time and money by rapidly locating resources that can be substituted for others, formulas that can accept re-worked materials, or items that meet any user-selected combination of property, cost, or component criteria.

Provides Detailed Product Costs

ProductVision helps you get a true picture of your formula costs allowing you to price products for maximum long-run profitability. With line-by-line, as well as overall formula losses, formulators can clearly define product costs. ProductVision's cost simulation feature helps you quickly analyze the effects of anticipated cost changes, by allowing you to make temporary changes to recipe compositions or costs.

Links to Other World-Class Software

ProductVision raw material and recipe information may be shared with most popular Manufacturing Resource Planning, financial, and plant and lab automation software packages. This eliminates duplicate data entry, reduces time to market, and improves information accuracy.

We invite you to reach out today to find out more about how ProductVision can exceed the expectations of your organization and take your product development capabilities to new heights.

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