ProductVision® was designed to meet the special needs of process manufacturers. It efficiently manages input of all information required for product development. ProductVision® provides a central repository of all relevant information about a company’s products, which allows for global visibility and enhanced collaboration during product development. It ensures that everyone is working together toward a common goal, using the same information and procedures.

Specialized Product Development Software for Process Manufacturers

The depth and flexibility of the software, ProductVision® is Advanced Software Design’s only product. This allows us to have a laser-like focus to continually improve ProductVision®. ASD actively encourages its clients to assist in the development of ProductVision® and holds an annual User Conference where customers share experiences, debate future legislation and product requirement changes, and lobby for their specific enhancements to ProductVision®.

Strong Product Development & Process Manufacturing Experience

Equally as important is the knowledge and skills of the project management and support teams. The experience of the ASD implementation team ranges between 10 and 25 years, either as a direct employee of Advanced Software Designs or as a combination of working with the software in industry before joining the ASD team. Each team member has been involved with many implementations from mid-size companies to Fortune 100 and 500 companies and is comfortable in working with all levels of your organization. Our team understands the software, your industry, and has direct access to the ASD development team to ensure that we tailor the implementation plan to meet your specific business requirements.

Leverage the Information That You Have

With information buried in lab notebooks and with chemists who have left the organization, there is no way of knowing if an already developed product may meet today’s needs.  ProductVision® may enable you to completely eliminate a product development cycle by identifying and utilizing a product that already exists.

Minimize Costs Associated with Market Introduction Failures

Because of the collaborative nature of ProductVision® software, and the fully integrated modules that allow you to simultaneously consider and evaluate many factors contributing to a successful product introduction (technical performance, cost, regulatory compliance, etc.), you reduce the risk associated with spending limited resources on developing a product that will not be a commercial success.

In summary, providing your employees with a powerful tool such as ProductVision® releases them from many tedious and non-productive activities and allows them to perform to their full potential.  This results in an increase in employee satisfaction. This higher rate of employee satisfaction, along with improved performance, produces a chain reaction that leads directly, and ultimately, to more satisfied customers. And satisfied customers provide the base for business growth and competitive success.

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