Guidelines & Restrictions Management Software | ProductVision®

ProductVision's Guidelines & Restrictions Module provides the tools necessary to maintain compliance with country, market, and/or application specific ingredient restrictions worldwide. The guideline logic checks restrictions entered for the ingredients contained in the product and determines whether the product is acceptable for the chosen market area or application.

Options on the report allow you to either report all restrictions or only those restrictions which have been violated for the current product. The program explores the formula to its component level and combines all like ingredients before checking against a user-defined criteria to determine feasibility.

Module Features

What are Guidelines & Restrictions?

The Guidelines & Restrictions Module provides the ability to identify restrictions for ingredients used in specific applications (identified by keywords) and geographic locations (markets). Statements can be assigned at either the raw material, or formula level, indicating for which keyword, market, or composition amount they apply. Then, at the formula level, a guideline check is run to determine what specific restrictions exist for the ingredients at the specific amounts in the formula on either a worldwide basis or for a specific country/region. Users can combine guidelines to determine compliance for a formula by product types and markets (countries).

Automatic Checking of Restrictions based upon Current Composition of Formula

Instantly determine compliance of the current formula for a specific market, application, and/or customer as you formulate. This greatly reduces the risk of submitting a product for further work that may fail at a later stage.

We invite you to reach out today to find out more about how ProductVision can exceed the expectations of your organization and take your product development capabilities to new heights.

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