Product Testing Software | ProductVision®

The Testing Module is a powerful tool that allows you to enter extensive testing information for a raw material or formula. A single test entry may include multiple test attributes, test conditions, notes, test results and overall judgment (pass/fail).

Module Features:

Designed for Maximum Flexibility

The flexible design of the Testing Module makes it ideal for many different types of tests, including physical property, toxicological, microbiological, clinical, and analytical tests. Individual test attributes and results are set up as properties and have the full power of the property object including definition of data type (numeric, character, date, or logical), validation tables to control entry of information, auditing, notes, and full access to calculation logic.

The calculation logic allows one test result to be calculated based on the results of a different test (for example, user entry in °F can be system-converted to results in °C) or one column can be used to calculate a different column. Test intervals (number of days between results) are user definable by test and may be scheduled. Controls, with their own testing information, may be attached to a test result, thus allowing you to "nest" test results.

Powerful Queries, Simplify Data Entry, and Viewing Historical Results

The Testing Advanced Query allows you to query both for historical test results and for current/upcoming scheduled tests by specifying various criteria, including tester, group, test type, and assigned test schedule date. Data entry of test results is streamlined to allow entry of a batch of test results across multiple items simply by selecting the Next and Previous buttons on the Testing Results window.

Access to Test Information is Security Controlled

The Testing Module allows you to set up security within testing "groups", which may be separately secured for viewing and editing.  This ensures that the information can only be modified by those who have the authorization to do this, within designated departments, or roles, controlling access to confidential information.

We invite you to contact us today to find out more about how ProductVision can exceed the expectations of your organization and take your product development capabilities to new heights.

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