Workflow Management Software | ProductVision®

The ProductVision Workflow Module greatly simplifies the execution and tracking of workflows that are commonly encountered in product development. This may include new product creation, reformulation projects, competitive analysis studies and raw material replacement projects. The Workflow Module allows you to integrate and optimize your business processes, providing increased efficiency and accountability.

Using ProductVision Tasks and/or your organization’s E-mail system, all participants in the approval process are actively involved, speeding up the product development process. The Workflow Module guarantees that the routing will be sent to the right individuals, for action, based upon your business rules. This ensures that tasks do not fall through the cracks, and paperwork associated with the process is eliminated.

Module Features

Workflow Steps are User Defined

A workflow process may contain any number of steps and each step may have one or more actions and approvals associated with it. For each step, the creator of the process decides what actions to take at the beginning, during, and at the end of the step. For example, a typical starting action would be to assign a Task to one or more members of a department and describe the action to be performed. The interested parties are immediately informed of the new Task by the Workflow Notification Service, running on the user’s desktop.

An Unlimited Number of Workflows May Be Created

The Workflow Module allows you to create workflows for any ProductVision object, including raw materials, formulas, and projects. You may create as many different workflows as necessary to meet your current business processes. For example, your raw material approval processes may vary by location, with different people involved in the process. In this case, you can set up individual raw material approval processes everywhere they are required.

Paperwork is Reduced Using The Automated Workflow Process

Participants in an approval process are notified when action is required. The Task or e-mail notification can specify the action desired and include attachments such as item reports, Excel spreadsheets, Word documents, etc.

Complicated Processes Can Be Modeled Using The Workflow Module

The Workflow Module has features which allow you to model complex processes. These features include "go to" branching, conditional execution of steps, the ability to "chain" multiple approval processes, and user-defined script execution.

Multiple Workflows Can Be Initiated On a Project Simultaneously

When used in combination with the ProductVision Project Tracking Module, you can initiate several workflows simultaneously. For example, when launching a new product you may need to:

  • Develop the recipe(s) for the product in the R&D department
  • Approve the purchase of new raw materials in the Purchasing department
  • Create Safety Data Sheets or nutrition facts panels and ingredient declarations in the Regulatory department
  • Specify manufacturing equipment requirements in the Production department

We invite you to contact us today to find out more about how ProductVision® can exceed the expectations of your organization and take your product development capabilities to new heights.

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